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Duchess Catherine and Prince Cambridge break royal tradition for the sake of his son George

Duchess Catherine and Prince Cambridge

Duchess Catherine and Prince Cambridge, who recently became parents for the first time, in all possible ways continue to break royal tradition: the couple want to give to his son George a normal family life, so nurses refuse services.

According to an informant close to royal family, the couple wants to live a normal life and raise a kid yourself:

Kate does not want to Georg accustomed to strangers more than their parents. Son became the new meaning of life for Duchess Catherine.

Source also said that as soon as the Duchess of Cambridge became a mother, she developed new rules:

Now she can not move off from London too far, and night trip altogether prohibited.

known that the royal couple will take their cue from their friends who successfully combine work and children:

They look at my friends who were able to raise a child and at the same time to make a career . They do not understand why they can not come out as well, because the differences are not so much.

Whatever it was, knowledgeable source claims that Duchess Catherine and Prince Cambridge struggling will try to "keep the normal environmental environment for George ".

Duchess Catherine and Prince Cambridge

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