I really detest Kylie Jenner.
There are multiple reasons why I don't like it but most of it is related to this vacuous, empty selfie driven display of narcism that the Kardashians seem to include in their brand.
I also understand though, that Kylie Jenner is big business. She sells stuff. This stuff is whatever beauty product they can get her to lie about and say that she uses. Normally, this just makes me roll my eyes and ignore it. Her face is easily ignored when you decide that you don't need beauty advice off a 17 year old and you just get on with life.
However, this morning I read that she is selling Nip Fab products. Their anti wrinkle products to be exact. Apparently she has been using this for a year now. Yeah, thats right - since she was 16! I smell bullshit on this one.
No one under that age needs anti wrinkle cream. I agree with moisturiser and a good skincare routine but anti ageing? No way. I don't believe it for one second. I think this is a business agreement between Jenner and the company in which they are desperate to promote their anti wrinkle cream. However having chosen a 17 year old to do it means it doesn't really come off as a genuine fan more a sales move.
It also annoys me for two reasons :
1 - I will not be buying it now. I was interested in it before (as you may recall there was a post here before about the product) I will not support a product that tells a 17 year old girl that they need wrinkle cream and also, by buying it - I feed into the notion that Jenner can sell me something and therefore that the company were right to invest in a Kardashian to promote it. Only by not spending your money in a place can you truly bring about change.
2 - I worry about what this is going to do to all those teenage girls who absorb any Kardashian news as gospel. Mind you - there are 20-something girls also guilty of this too. I worry about where this is going to take us. I really hope that its not going to be YET ANOTHER THING that women must obsess over that they don't really need.
So yeah.....can we please stop with this? Thanks.
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