Indian actress on the rise, Athiya Shetty is the cover star of Femina India, edition of February 2021. Photographed by Keegan Crasto, Athiya, who is the daughter of acclaimed Bollywood actor Sunil Shetty, wears a stunning ruffled pink dress from Dolly J for the cover, styled with Outhouse Jewellery’s Nymphet shell button earrings. Wearing romantic ensembles for the rest of the shoot, the actress is styled by Yukti Sodha, and dolls up in feathers and frills, while showing plenty of skin. For one editorial image, Athiya flaunts a blush hued dress with a stylish sash, and for another, she puts her legs on display in a red mini dress with a ruffled hemline. For beauty, Kritika Gill has given the rising star wavy tresses with a glamorous makeup look.
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