A modeling comp card of Jayne!! I've never seen anyone before or since that could actually make a snorkel look sexy!! (1)
Jayne was also on a number of teen magazine covers in the mid 70s.
Jayne even made uniforms look sexy (especially in front of the oh-so-realistic background.)
This was probably accidental, but is Jayne looking up at that model who is looking down on her?!?
"Folkloric??" Apparently that is a real word!!
Jayne from a very well known Inside Sports swimsuit issue (their first!) (1)
More unis!!
Jayne did some acting in the 80s. This is a still from a TV show called "Street Hawk" Yeah, I don't remember it either.
She is perhaps best known for the movie "Spring Break."
All I can say here is "That's sooooo 80s!"
She is perhaps best known for the movie "Spring Break."
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