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Display Backlog

One of my resolutions for 2011 (same as pretty much every year) is to be more organized, so I've been going through the image folders on my computer and getting rid of things that I don't need. In the process I found some display pictures I took last fall that I never posted, an oversight I'll remedy today.

Wicked and Wonderful was the first (and so far only) Zoya display to show up at my Ulta. It was so nice to be able to hold the bottles and study the colors before deciding which ones to buy. I know there are spoons now, but that involves waiting and I'd rather not.

Front, left to right: Edyta, Julieanne, Cheryl, Kelly, Stacy, Burke.
Back: Karina, Carrie Ann, Kym, Kristi, Cola, Shawn.

I got Kelly, Shawn, and Julieanne when I first saw the display in October, then a while later picked up Edyta, Cheryl, and Kim. At that point I stopped because the rest were all in the reddish family that I already have so many of.

Denim Wanted showed up at my Ulta in November, the second Essence limited edition collection I've seen there. (Surfer Babe was the first.)

Polishes left to right: I Love My Jeans, Fivepocket Grey, High Waist Pink, My Boyfriend's Jeans, Forever Mine.

The only one of these I bought is Fivepocket Grey.

On my Thanksgiving trip to Illinois, I saw Pure Ice at somewhere other than Wal*Mart for the first time; this was at a Walgreens. I wish the Walgreens by me would stock these.

Barielle's Holiday Hustle showed up later than the other holiday displays; I didn't see it until after Thanksgiving (at Ulta—the only place around here that carries this brand).

Left to right: Coalest Day of the Year, Elle's Spell, Jess' Champagne Toast, Gelt Me to the Party, Wrap Me in Ribbon, Snow Day.

I jumped at Elle's Spell and Jess' Champagne Toast (a name which makes me think of breakfast, not bubbly); I like the look of some of the shimmers, too.

Around the same time as I saw the Barielle at Ulta, new Milani displays started showing up at some CVS stores. The first was "Happy Holiday Nails", a re-promote of three existing shades (3D, Techno Red, and HD).

The other Milani display was much more exciting: Rockstar glitters! Rumor has it that these will be made part of the core line in 2011 (much like the HD Holographics first came out in special displays and then went to core—I saw those on clearance at Meijer recently and wonder if that was to make room for these glitters).

Left to right: Gems, Gold, Silver Dazzle, Blue Flash, Gold Glitz, Purple Gleam, Red Sparkle.

There's also a silver version of the Gold hex glitter (it's called Silver, refreshingly enough) on cherryculture.com; I'll be interested to see if that shows up in the core display at some point. You know I bought all of these, even the red one (though I did hold out on that one for a while).

While Milani was giving me glitter, Maybelline was giving me pinks and reds. Unlike their last several releases, I skipped all of these; I have plenty of pinks and reds already.

I do have a few more display pictures in my backlog, but this is getting long, so I'll save those (all Sally Hansen) for another entry. The realization that I haven't swatched most of the ones I bought from these displays makes me think I need to resolve to buy less and paint more in 2011. Did you make any nail-related resolutions for this year?

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